Refrigerator Preventive Maintenance Checklist

Refrigerator Preventive Maintenance Checklist

If you haven’t been doing thorough refrigerator preventative maintenance, it’s time to start. You might ask why. 

For starters, commercial refrigerators represent a significant financial investment for most businesses. And given the high cost of replacements and inventory loss when refrigerators fail, it’s important to properly maintain them.

With regular maintenance, you can detect issues, prevent untimely interruptions to your schedule, and supply your technicians with a solid structure.

Here is a preventive maintenance checklist for commercial refrigerators.

Deep clean

There is no set time or frequency for cleaning your refrigeration equipment. However, everyone agrees that cleaning needs to be done regularly. So make sure you deep clean your refrigerators and any ice maker on site. Deep cleanings also allow you to carefully inspect your equipment for any unusual damage.

Check condenser coils

Regular coil cleaning (every 3 months) should be part of every commercial refrigerator preventive maintenance checklist. Clean condenser coils allow your refrigerator to run more efficiently. It also reduces the energy required to regulate temperatures.

Check temperature settings and defrost on schedule

Low temperatures and frequent defrosting can force the refrigerator to work harder than it should, potentially decreasing its lifespan. On the other hand, high temperatures can also promote bacteria growth, which isn’t ideal for food items.

For best results, check the refrigerator’s temperature settings once a week. And remember to follow the manufacturer’s defrosting recommendations, as defrosting too often creates unnecessary work for your equipment.

Inspect the door gaskets

Do you know that the simple act of checking the seal around your refrigerator doors can save you money in energy bills? Yes, it can. 

To inspect door gaskets, check all four sides of the gaskets on each door of the refrigerator. Look for gaps or tears that can let warm air in. These gaps will make the refrigerator work twice as much to regulate the temperature. This is also a good time to clean the gaskets with soapy water. If the seals become loose, replace or re-magnetize them as soon as possible.

Check hinges for tightness

Cold air often leaks outside the unit due to loose or faulty hinges and latches. This makes the refrigerator work harder to maintain interior temperatures. To keep your equipment working as intended, ensure these parts are properly aligned and secured.

Change water filter

The ice maker in the refrigerator probably has a water filter that needs to be replaced every six months or as directed by the manufacturer’s manual.


When to call a professional

You can perform other preventative maintenance tasks to help your refrigerator run smoothly. However, you’ll be doing more harm than good if you don’t have the right equipment or training.

Hence, it’s best to hire a commercial refrigerator expert to inspect your equipment. Some of the things a technician will check that can’t be done by someone without specialized training include:

  • Cleaning the tubes that lead into the fridge from the wall and the tubing that runs through the water filter, ice maker, and water dispenser.
  • Inspecting the refrigerator’s wiring.
  • Replacing fans. Fans distribute cold air over the coils and in the fridge. If one fan malfunctions, it might throw off the entire refrigeration system. Get your fans checked every five years, and if they’re not working properly, get new ones.
  • Checking oil levels
  • Checking compressor operation
  • Testing thermometer
  • Inspecting suction line insulation
  • Check refrigerant levels
  • Cleaning drain lines

We take refrigerator preventative maintenance seriously. If you notice any potential problem with your commercial refrigerator, walk-in cooler, freezer, or ice maker during a routine check, call us immediately!

We are available 24/7 to provide large quantity of Dry Ice shipments during planned maintenance conversions.

Visit us at or call us at 914-768-4147 for a free quote.